Official visit of President of the Republic of Cyprus in Russia

Yesterday, 25 of February took place a meeting between Russian and Cypriot presidents – Vladimir Putin and Nicos Anastasiades. The result of the meeting is signed cooperation programme in science, education and culture for 2015-2017, as were a memorandum on naval cooperation and memorandums of understanding on economic, science and technology cooperation. Also Vladimir Putin and Nicos Anastasiades have signed is military cooperation agreement between our countries. President of Russian Federation mention that the agreement would primarily refer to Russian navy ships involved in international counter-terrorism and anti-piracy efforts. Also he added that military cooperation between Cyprus and Russia is not directed against any third part.Russia has search permission for navy ships to use ports in various parts of the world to replenish supplies and undergo maintenance.

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Official visit of President of the Republic of Cyprus in Russia


Official visit of President of the Republic of Cyprus in Russia


Official visit of President of the Republic of Cyprus in Russia
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