Privatization of commercial activities at Limassol port

Cyprus will launch a tender for the privatization of commercial activities at Limassol port in May, Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Marios Demetriades has said.Demetriades began a series of contacts with the island`s political parties, to brief them on the progress of the privatization process."The process is progressing. We would like the process to proceed in the next month and to launch the tender,” he said in statements following a meeting with the leader of the European Party, Demetris Syllouris.He said that the management of the Limassol port`s commercial activities will be assigned to a private company through a concession for a period between 25 and 30 years."We are confident that we will launch the tender in the next month,” he added.

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Privatization of commercial activities at Limassol port


Privatization of commercial activities at Limassol port


Privatization of commercial activities at Limassol port
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