New building permits in Cyprus on the rise

The total number of building permits approved in Cyprus inJuly 2019 was 743, compared to 589 approved in July 2018; an increase of 26.1%according to official figures published by the Statistical Service of Cyprus.

The total cost of these permits increased by 16.6% to 208.7million euros, and their total area - by 9.1% to 236.8 thousand square meters.m. compared to July 2018. These permits allowed the construction of 1,028 newhouses, which is 62.7% more than in July.

In July 2019, building permits were approved for:

• Residential buildings - 517 permits

• Non-residential buildings - 119

• Civil Engineering Projects - 29

• Section of land - 53 permits

• Road construction - 23 permits

The construction of 1028 new houses includes: 328 separatehouses (compared to 365 in July 2018) and 700 multi-apartment buildings,including apartments, maisonettes, townhouses and other residential complexes(compared to 267 in July 2018). Of these 1,028 new homes, 454 are for Limassol,274 for Nicosia, 112 for Larnaca, 108 for Paphos and 80 for Famagusta.

Between January and July 2019, a total of 4,136 constructionpermits were issued, compared with 3,699 for the same period last year. Theirtotal value increased by 91.8%, and their total area - by 42.5%.

According to the Cyprus Statistical Service, buildingpermits are a key indicator of future activities in the construction sector.

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New building permits in Cyprus on the rise


New building permits in Cyprus on the rise


New building permits in Cyprus on the rise
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