The hottest spot in Cyprus

Although,we have already posted about the Limassol Marina project, we simply can't getenough of it. It has been a month since the official opening, thus it is justabout time to make a feedback! From the first day of its opening the amount of tourists and localsvisiting Limassol Marina was constantly exceeding. The newly openedrestaurants, bars and cafes became the spot places of Limassol. The residencesoffered for purchase, straight away became the most desired property trends ofthe real estate market. Nearly 70 % of apartments and villas have already beensold as the advantages of this location are outstanding. Not only Limassol Marinahas all the necessary shops, cafes and restaurants for the comfortablelifestyle of its occupants but also direct access to the beach and privateberths. Many private yacht owners prefer registering their vessels particularlyin Cyprus as the VAT rate in here is one of the lowest in Europe. Besides, byregistering your yacht in a flag state which is party to the EuropeanUnion will make you benefit from paying the VATonly once, and from having freedom and flexibility with regards todocking and navigating yоuryacht in waters. The process of registrationitself is typically very quick and costs lower than elsewhere in the world. Forthat reason, we believe that Limassol Marina shall be considered as one of themost incredible projects not only in Cyprus but in Europe and is definitelyworth in view of when looking for a property to purchase!

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The hottest spot in Cyprus


The hottest spot in Cyprus


The hottest spot in Cyprus
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