Cyprus Gives Green Light to 'Photovoltaics for All' Program: A Step Towards Sustainable Energy

The "Photovoltaics for All" program, which will subsidize up to 6,000 homeowners to install solar systems on their roofs, has received approval from the Cabinet and will go into effect at the end of next month.

According to a government announcement, the five different categories that make up the subsidy scheme are designed to "democratize access to solar energy and roof insulation for all households."

Regardless of whether they have the initial capital required, homeowners can install a photovoltaic (PV) system to reduce consumption and lower electricity bills under the most recent version of the scheme.
Soon, photovoltaic and roof insulation installers will begin to register with the government, preparing the way for the general public to submit their applications.

The 'Photovoltaics for All' plan, which was previously limited to a maximum of 4.16 kW, has been updated with a budget of €30 million. This amount is anticipated to cover 6,000 applications from homeowners who lack the initial capital to install a photovoltaic system of up to 4 kW in their homes.

Solar energy and insulation

The following are the categories of the scheme:

A1: General Photovoltaics provides a maximum grant of €1,500 (4kW) and a grant of €375 per kW, with a 50% increase for homes located in mountainous regions.

The A2 program, which addresses photovoltaics in vulnerable households, offers a maximum grant of €6,250 (5kW) and a grant of €1,250 per kW.

A3: Photovoltaics for Everyone, with a maximum grant of €1,000 (4kW) and a grant of €250 per kW. Furthermore, this category offers an additional €4,000 in aid for a PV system, up to a maximum cost of €5,000, to citizens who do not have the initial capital. Repayment of the additional aid to the government will be required.
B1: General Roof Insulation; includes a 50% grant up to a maximum of €2,500 or €25 per square meter. Homes in hilly areas will receive a 50% increase in grant funding.

B2: Roof insulation for vulnerable households offers a maximum grant of €3,750 or €37.50 per square meter, with a 75% grant.


In contrast to the previous 2022–2023 grant program, the new initiative includes the following modifications:

Category A3: Photovoltaics for All, which enables people to install PV systems even in the absence of startup funds.
Those who are accepted under the RES and Energy Fund's "Photovoltaics for All" category may install the system without needing any upfront funding, and they can repay it with monthly installments of €150 starting on the day of connection and paid for by their EAC electricity bill. For a PV system with a maximum cost of €5,000, the subsidized cost is set at a grant of €1,000 and aid of €4,000.

Category B2: Roof insulation with higher subsidies for households that are more in need.

A one-time €750 bonus is offered to homeowners who install both solar energy and roof insulation in the same home.
The application procedure and implementation have been modified, and an electronic processing transition has been made to expedite grant payments and streamline the application process.

To increase the investment's viability, installation work will be assigned to contractors listed on the "Participating Traders" list, which will be accessible on the RES and Energy Conservation Fund website. This list will provide applicants with a seven-year commercial guarantee.

Before the investment is implemented, all possible beneficiaries will go through pre-approval. This will guarantee grant eligibility for applicants and give promoters more control, greatly accelerating grant payments. The purpose of this procedural modification is to improve the overall scheme's efficiency and lessen red tape for applicants.

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Cyprus Gives Green Light to 'Photovoltaics for All' Program: A Step Towards Sustainable Energy


Cyprus Gives Green Light to 'Photovoltaics for All' Program: A Step Towards Sustainable Energy


Cyprus Gives Green Light to 'Photovoltaics for All' Program: A Step Towards Sustainable Energy
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