Sales growth in cypriot real estate and property market

The LandRegistry Department of Cyprus has issued its monthly report of the propertysales record for June 2014. This report clearly shows that sale record of the realestate throughout this month has increased by 51% compared to June last year.For the fourth month in a row an activity of intensive buying has been observedon the island. The amount of contracts that was registered for purchase of thereal estate for the first month of summer has reached 403 compared with 267registered in June 2013. This number includes contracts for sale of commercial,residential property and land.


Salesgrowth has been observed in all regions of the country: in Larnaca by 103%, inLimassol by 88%, in Paphos by 21% and in Famagusta by 13%.


During thefirst half of the year 2014 the number of dealings has increased by 34%compared with the first half of 2013.


For manyoverseas buyers, buying property in Cyprus is a great chance to get a residencepermit.

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Sales growth in cypriot real estate and property market


Sales growth in cypriot real estate and property market


Sales growth in cypriot real estate and property market
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