The hotels that will remain open during the winter season may reduce an unemployment rate in Cyprus

The main idea behind this plan is that all unemployed citizens can apply for jobs in the hotels that were previously closed during the winter season. According to Zeta Emilianidu short-term employees will continue receiving their unemployment benefits and at the same time will get additional salaries from the employers. 

The Minister has stated that the same scheme was proposed last year, but its realization has passed without much of a success, as most of the hotels remained closed due to a lower tourist flow. Zeta Emilianidu has also mentioned that over the past six months the overall unemployment rate in Cyprus has been steadily declining, which is already a great change.

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The hotels that will remain open during the winter season may reduce an unemployment rate in Cyprus


The hotels that will remain open during the winter season may reduce an unemployment rate in Cyprus


The hotels that will remain open during the winter season may reduce an unemployment rate in Cyprus
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