Surveillance cameras on the roads of Cyprus.

Cypriot police assured that the installation of 110surveillance cameras (90 fixed and 20 mobile) will reduce the number of roadaccidents by 40%.

Thus, the police contribute to improvement of the situationon the roads and the replenishment of the wiles of the State, through thecollection of fines for speeding and other violations.

Alekos Mihaylidis -Secretary of the Ministry of Public Affairs, said that the speed limits onroads and highways will not be changed.

Currently, Digeni Avenue in Nicosia,has two surveillance cameras. The result is positive, since accidents on thisavenue was significantly less.

The exact date of entry into operation ofcameras is not called, but the local police says that by the end of this year,the new camera will work. 

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Surveillance cameras on the roads of Cyprus.


Surveillance cameras on the roads of Cyprus.


Surveillance cameras on the roads of Cyprus.
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