Construction sector in Cyprus is growing rapidly

The number of building permits authorised in August 2016 stood at 381 compared with the 312 authorised in August 2015; an increase of 22.1% according to official figures released by the Cyprus Statistical Service. Compared with August 2015, the total value of these permits rose 38.8% to €61.1million, while their total area rose 66.7%  to 69.1sq.m. During August, building permits were issued for: 

- Residential buildings

– 209 permits Community buildings

– 2 permits Non-residential building

– 69 permits Civil engineering projects 

 – 12 permits Division of plots of land 

 – 26 permits Road construction 

 – 6 permits Building permits for new homes 

The 209 residential building permits approved in August provided for the construction of 229 new homes comprising 149 single houses and 80 multiple housing units (such as apartments, semis, townhouses and other residential complexes). This is an increase of 15.1% compared with August 2015 when building permits were issued for the construction of 199 new homes. According to the Cyprus Statistical Service, building permits constitute a leading indicator of future activity in the construction sector.

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Construction sector in Cyprus is growing rapidly


Construction sector in Cyprus is growing rapidly


Construction sector in Cyprus is growing rapidly
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