The construction of the largest casino in Europe

In 2021, the largest casino in Europe will open its doors.  Construction will begin in the near future in Limassolnear the shopping center My Mall. During construction, 4500 jobs will becreated in Cyprus. The volume of investments is 550 million euro. It is plannedthat the gambling business will be able to attract a large number of foreigntourists to the Republic of Cyprus and in the second year of the casino'sexistence revenues will amount to 700 million euros, which is 4% of the GDP ofthe Republic of Cyprus.

A casino with 136 gambling tables and 1200 rifles willbecome part of a luxury hotel with 500 rooms. Restaurants, clubs, an exhibitioncenter, a concert hall for 1500 seats, a magnificent spa center with an area of​​4000 sq.m. will be built on the territory of the resort.

On 8th of June the solemn ceremony of laying thefirst stone in the foundation of the hotel complex with the Casino City ofDreams Mediterranean will be in Limassol.

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The construction of the largest casino in Europe


The construction of the largest casino in Europe


The construction of the largest casino in Europe
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