More time needed on Ayia Napa marina

Despite significant progress in building the marina in AyiaNapa, the delivery is delayed in July, as more time is needed to complete theinfrastructure, due to the heavy workload in the area, including the design ofelectro-mechanical and plumbing aspects of the project, transportation,including the road network and garage .

According to previous estimates, the marina of Ayia Napawill not be completed until the end of 2021, while the boats and private yachtswere supposed to be at the dock for the summer.

Two tall structures, 100-meter towers of unmatchedarchitecture, will offer 190 spacious apartments, 29 luxury houses, as well asvarious commercial stores and restaurants, including public recreation areasfor buyers and visitors.

Completion of the construction of the first tower is plannedfor December 2020, and the deadline for the second tower is December 2021. Basedon the expected height, the twins are unlikely to meet the definition of askyscraper.

Egyptian billionaire businessman Mr. Nagib Sawiris, wholinked the project with his Cypriot business partner Mr. Stavros Caramondis,said that “Ayia Napa Marina is a unique project not only for Cyprus but alsofor the whole of Europe, mainly due to innovative technologies used for theconstruction of marinas for yachts and other places. The project has alreadyreceived worldwide recognition, as exemplified by the fact that we areexperiencing increased interest from buyers all over the world, especially inthe markets of Russia, the Middle East and Asia, while 78% of the east tower ofAyia Napa Marina has already been sold. ”

Marina Ayia Napa will have a capacity of 600 vessels with alength of up to 60 meters, and the construction cost is estimated at 220million euros.

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More time needed on Ayia Napa marina


More time needed on Ayia Napa marina


More time needed on Ayia Napa marina
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